What is Wellbeing Washing and how can you avoid it?

Is your business guilty of “wellbeing washing”? There’s often a disconnect between what employees expect from wellbeing support and what employers provide. A monthly pizza party or last-minute webinar just won’t cut it and employees see right through superficial gestures. Let’s dive into the phenomenon of ‘wellbeing washing’ and how to avoid it while genuinely making a difference. What is …

The business owner’s guide to measuring inclusion

Download your FREE PDF version of this guide here, or read it below. Is your business truly inclusive? Let’s explore what inclusion really means, why it’s crucial for your business and how you can measure it to supercharge your success. What is inclusion? Inclusion, diversity and equality might be interconnected, but they’re not the same. There’s different acronyms for diversity …

3 common recruitment mistakes

Let’s talk recruitment! As a business owner, sometimes finding the perfect candidate can be a walk in the park. Strike gold, and you’ve secured an amazing new addition to your team; boosting morale, sparking excitement and easing the pressure of filling a vacancy. Other times – it’s a total nightmare. Sparse talent pool? Lack of diversity? Negative feedback about your …

September 2024 HR Newsletter

Download your FREE PDF version of this newsletter here, or read it below. How inclusive is your business? Inclusion isn’t a trend; it’s the catalyst for innovation, creativity and high engagement in your business, shaping a distinctive brand. But when inclusion becomes performative and your actions don’t match your words, your teams will definitely notice. That’s why measuring inclusion is …