Now most of us know to grow our businesses and get more customers and clients coming through the doors, we might need to think about recruiting more staff. Of course, this can be great news, and a real indicator we’re heading in the right direction. However just over a month ago now (gosh time has flown), when Mr. Boyd and …
Should employers ban cake culture?
Having just come back from honeymoon, it’s fair to say I probably over indulged and took full advantage of the all-inclusive resort we stayed at. I’m now sat here thinking the gym membership I started before my wedding will come in handy with those few extra pounds to lose. But what with all this lovely over indulgence it got me …
BREXIT – What do employers need to know?
Several weeks have passed since the majority of UK voters chose to opt out of the European Union, but it’s still very much the topic of ongoing conversation. With 52% of voters backing the Leave campaign, it’s clear that big changes are ahead, and we’re moving into unchartered territory. Regardless of what you think about the outcome from a personal …
Are you riding the silver wave?
Having spent time with my folks over the weekend, particularly talking to my dad, who is still running his own business at the age of 81, sometimes it’s easy to forget the skills and experience the older generations brings to the world of work. New data from the Office for National Statistics has revealed that over 10 million over-50s …
What you really need to know about offering work experience
So we had a fantastic few days away over the half term, but while I was having time away with my girls, I got chatting to a friend about the subject of what schools do to support kids as they transition from the work of education into the world of work. Two very different places. Now I have a view …
Just the one!
It’s always interesting reading through the BBC website and I recently came across a story from Scotland where a sheriff warned motorists that one drink can put them over the legal limit in Scotland. It followed two cases at Dumfries Sheriff Court where the drivers involved claimed they had consumed just one pint. They were both fined £450 and banned …
Snow in May – Do you have a plan for it?
We all know the weather these days can be unpredictable. In the last few weeks we have seen the complete spectrum from sun, hail, wind and snow in the space of just a few hours. Weather forecasters recently issued further warnings for snow in parts of Scotland as a dip in April temperatures continues. When bad weather hits, there are …
Would you tell one of your employees they had a fat arse?
We all know cycling as a sport is surrounded by a vast amount of controversy, which usually involves various allegations concerning riders taking some sort of performance enhancing drugs. It’s fair to say that the Tour de France is the usual ring-leader here. However with the Olympics on the horizon and the Tour stating in July, British Cycling has got …
You can’t do that!! Demystifying more common HR myths
In this second article our resident guest blogger, Mara Thorne puts the record straight about three more common HR myths of employment law and management practice about what employers can and cannot do, this time looking at bank holidays, dismissal during sickness absence and misconduct during the notice period. 1. Everybody is entitled to the 8 bank holidays off work …
You can’t do that! Demystifying some of the common HR myths
We’ve got something a bit different this week, a great guest post from one of our Associate Consultants Mara Thorne, who shares her insights into some common misconceptions about what employers can and can’t do, so if you want to know more about her insights read her post below. They say that “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing” and …