Three ways to rocket your team’s performance in 2016

So when you take a look back at how your business performed in 2015, are you satisfied with what was achieved?  A little reflection is always useful, but now’s the time to start thinking about the future.  You no doubt have big plans for the next 12 months.  You’ve got targets to meet and goals to smash, and if you …

An employers’ guide to strategically managing employee wellbeing

If you take a look around at business priorities in January, you’re likely to find that many leaders are paying lip service to improving employee wellbeing. It’s fairly easy to roll out some quick wins, like introducing healthier options in the canteen, and organising lunchtime walks, and it’s true that these things can be successful.  But if you want to …

Top HR considerations for business owners in January

Now that the dust has settled on the new year, it’s time for many leaders to get back to business and start creating their 2016 success story.  You’ve hopefully been able to spend some time relaxing over the festive period, so you’re ready to face your new challenges with excitement. Whether you were planning to ease yourself in gently, or …

Three difficult questions you need to ask yourself before 2016

  By now, it’s highly likely that you’ll have asked yourself the big, important, and very obvious questions about how your business measured up during 2015.  You’ll know how much you increased your turnover, how many new staff you recruited, and what your goals are moving forward. Planning and reflection sessions can be hugely useful, but sometimes, it can be …

All the answers you need to your Christmas HR questions

While most people begin to look forward to a little rest and recuperation over the Christmas period, it’s around about now that managers and business owners start to think about the nitty gritty, practical issues that they’ll have to contend with to keep their workforce engaged, motivated and problem-free. It’s likely that you’ve got some questions about how you should …

Three signs your business isn’t ready for the Christmas rush

The baubles and oversized biscuit tins are filling up the stores.  Parents across the land are starting to encourage good behaviour by reminding their kids that Father Christmas is paying close attention.  According to research by, 16% of people had begun their shopping by the end of last month.  Christmas is coming, and there’s nothing that anyone can do …

Do homeworkers have pointless lives?

An article published by Financial Times this month suggested homeworkers miss out on the important feeling that their lives and work have purpose.  Unsurprisingly, the piece has caused a stir amongst the self-employed and business owners alike. If you keep up to date with management trends and the latest strategies for creating a productive and motivated workforce, you’ll know that …

Why everything you think you know about team building is wrong

We’re all pretty clued up these days when it comes to the importance of building teams that work together to drive a business forward.  No one is questioning the benefits, but there is a great deal of confusion around what it actually means to develop a team that operates at its full potential. There are some common misconceptions that are …

How to welcome new staff into existing teams

Recruiting a new member of staff for your growing business can be a really exciting time, but it’s something that you should definitely consider carefully before you rush into taking action. One of the key challenges that you’re going to face is ensuring that your new recruit is welcomed into your existing team without any significant teething problems. Now of …