It’s time to rethink your appraisals

  Recent research from PwC revealed that two thirds of larger companies are thinking about revamping their appraisals processes. The 2015 Performance Management Research found that businesses are becoming increasingly eager to ditch the once-a-year approach and instead concentrate on developing practices that create a continuous feedback culture. It’s often suggested that it’s time for appraisals to be scrapped in …

Are your HR practices in desperate need of an overhaul?

You probably started your own business because you’re passionate about bringing your product or service into the world, and providing a much-needed solution for your customers and clients. This people management malarkey though – it’s not necessarily what you signed up for.  Call it a necessary evil if you like, but the fact remains that if you want to grow …

Could grandparental leave be the next big HR issue?

Many businesses have just about got a handle on their new responsibilities surrounding shared parental leave.  So the recent announcement from David Cameron indicating that he may in fact look at Labour’s proposals for allowing grandparents to share up to 18 weeks of unpaid parental leave will no doubt leave some employers feeling overwhelmed about what the future holds. It’s …

Gender pay reporting could be mandatory next year

It has been revealed that by 2016, it could be mandatory for businesses with 250 or more employees to publish information on how much they pay their male and female employees. It’s hoped that such measures will help to tackle the gender pay gap. Though progress has undeniably been made in recent years to ensure that women are on an …

You have less than a year to prepare for mandatory living wage

The UK government has announced that from April 2016, a mandatory living wage for employees over the age of 25 will be introduced.  It currently stands at £6.50 and will be increased to £7.20. Conservative First Secretary of State George Osborne said, ‘Britain deserves a pay rise and Britain is getting a pay rise’. Of course though, the issue is …

Why don’t your employees trust you?

Trust is a funny issue. It’s hard to describe, and it’s arguably not very measurable. Those who are skeptical of the HR profession might say that it’s exactly the type of thing that we’re known for dealing with.  In other words, all fluff and no substance! Jokes aside though, if there’s a lack of trust between management and employees, you’re …

We NEED to talk about mental health

The recent Germanwings air disaster has highlighted the issue of mental health in the workplace, and the need for employers to ensure that such matters are right at the top of their agenda.  Co-pilot Andreas Lubitz is suspected of purposely crashing the plane in to the French Alps, killing all 150 people on board. If one thing is for certain …

Four top tips for managing sickness absence

It’s inevitable that from time to time, your members of staff will get sick. It’s to be expected, and it’s something that you can’t really avoid as you grow your business and your workforce. As an employer though, you need to be sure that you’re managing your sickness policies and procedures in the right way.  Without a robust approach, you …