New toolkit to promote healthy eating and exercise to employees

Public Health England and Business in the Community have published a toolkit in an effort to encourage employers to promote healthier eating and exercising to their employees.  Keen to stress the business benefits, the toolkit explains that such initiatives can boost productivity, slash absence rates, and play a key role in facilitating a happy workforce. What’s becoming increasingly clear is …

Most employers are failing to support employee mental health

The findings of a survey by independent charity Health@Work, released to coincide with Stress Awareness Month, has revealed that most employers fail to meet even the most basic of standards when it comes to supporting staff with mental health. It’s well known that mental health issues are amongst the most common reasons for employees taking time off.  It costs businesses …

Are you failing to support working parents in your workplace?

The 2018 Modern Families Index, published by charity Working Families and childcare provider Bright Horizons has revealed that working parents are being pushed to ‘breaking point’ in the workplace, with many feeling pressurised to work more than their contracted hours. Because of the impact that their employment has on their home life, 10% had refused a new job, and 11% …

Think your business is too small to worry about HR? Think again…

Growing a business from the ground up can be one of the most challenging but rewarding experiences in the world, and we’ve worked with ambitious leaders at practically every stage. From recruiting your very first member of staff, to really stepping things up a level and recruiting entire teams and departments, we’ve helped business owners navigate it all. When you’re …